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Plantain Ball Rules

The Plantain Ball rules turns the game into a wild, unpredictable experience where chaos and fun rule the game.  Strap in and enjoy the most entertaining, fastest game in youth sports!

Rule 1: Win the inning, get the point

Every inning is worth one point. The team that gets the most runs in an inning, gets a point for that inning, except for the last inning, where every run counts.

Rule 2: Two hour time limit

You get the idea. No new inning can be started after 2 hours. In the last inning of the game, every run counts.

Rule 3: No stepping out

If the hitter steps out of the box, it’s a strike.

Rule 4: No. Bunting.

Bunting sucks. If a hitter bunts, they are ejected from the game.

Rule 5: Batters can steal first

On any pitch of an at-bat, the hitter can try to steal first base. This can happen on a passed ball, wild pitch or any time the hitter chooses.

Rule 6: No walks allowed

If a pitcher throws ball four, it becomes a sprint. The hitter will take off running while every defensive player on the field must touch the ball before it becomes live. The hitter can advance to as many bases as they want. The ball does not have to touch the catcher or pitcher.

Rule 7: No mound visits allowed

Let’s keep the game moving. No mound visits from the coach, catcher, or any other player at any time. Hype your pitcher up from afar if needed.

Rule 8: If a fan catches a foul ball, it's an out

Why not let the fans get in on some of the action? Whatever you do, just don’t catch an Iron Horse foul ball.

Rule 9: Showdown tie breaker

If the game is tied at the end of the two-hour time limit, the game will go into a Showdown Tiebreaker. In each Showdown, the hitter must score. If they score, it’s worth one point. If they get out, it’s worth no points and it’s called a Showdown Shutdown.


ROUND 1: Pitcher, catcher, and one fielder vs one hitter
ROUND 2: Pitcher and catcher vs one hitter.
ROUND 3: Pitcher, catcher, and one fielder vs one hitter with bases loaded.


In this Final Showdown, every run counts as a point. If no team has won after three Showdowns, they will continue with the bases loaded and one fielder until one team has won.


If at any point a homerun is hit over the outfield wall, it’s a walkoff win and the game is over.

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